Since the production premiered, it has become Garrett’s Ashland swan song. As an adult, she came to appreciate the play’s musicality, likening it to the jazz and soul and hip-hop she grew up with. Originally from Oakland, Garrett connected to the source material in middle school English (Mercutio’s final monologue was her first choice to recite in class). This production retains the original dialogue, but the setting is a houseless encampment under a bridge in a West Coast city, complete with a hip-hop soundtrack and parallels between the Capulet and Montague blood feud and today’s ever stronger social divisions. Like many productions that Garrett has spearheaded as OSF’s artistic director, it’s a contemporary update.

(Oregon Shakespeare Festival) By Eric Ash Jat 5:19 pm PDTĪt Ashland’s Oregon Shakespeare Festival, director Nataki Garrett has brought a fresh spin to Romeo & Juliet, which is playing at Angus Bowmer Theatre through Oct. ROMEO & JULIET: Jada Alston Owens and Jeremy Gallardo.